Thursday, August 5, 2010

Eggs: My First Customer

I'm excited to announce that I now have a non-family member egg customer!!

Strangely, I bought two new layers because one of my layers died last week & one went broody (sitting on eggs in the nest), and then today, Ginger, the momma hen to my chicks hatched July 3rd is MISSING. So is my blue laced red Wyandotte who was creeping up on point of lay (just about to start laying). I almost feel like I'm fighting a losing battle, but I will somehow get a handle on it.

I think that I will order some pullets from the hatchery and sell what I don't need. I know of a couple of ladies who would like girls for layers as well, so I'll contact them and see if they want to split an order. Anybody else interested in getting in on the order-splitting? Let me know!!

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