Tuesday, August 10, 2010

All or Nothing

If your "religion" (I prefer the term "spirituality" to "religion" because the latter term can carry a nasty stigma unfortunately) is EXCLUSIVE [by that, I mean, excludes people of any kind for any reason] then you are totally missing the boat. Jesus is for all people and God's word cannot be used just to suit your personal fancy. {Revelation 22:17-19} You can't pick and choose from the Bible - it's all or nothing.

If you are going to pick one verse, you have to pick them all. AND, if two verses seem to have conflicting ideas, don't get mad and throw the Book. STUDY, learn WHY and then SHARE with others what God has shown you. {Revelation 22:7}

Then, think, what does it all boil down to? Why am I spiritual (replacing the word "religious") anyway? Do I keep the two most important commandments? Do I know what are the two most important commandments? {Matthew 22:36-40} What does that mean for the whole big picture -- for me and everybody else?

If you are trying to share Jesus with others, shouldn't you figure out why everyone's lost before you can even begin to try and help them find Him? Wouldn't that make more sense than just shoving it down there throats "your" style? Isn't that what Jesus himself did? I believe so. He met people where they were (in whatever lifestyle or situation), instead of getting in their faces with, "This is who I am and this is how it is!" Consider the woman at the well. {John 4}

Church, or how ever you meet up with people who share your beliefs, has to be more than a social event. Use your spiritual time to learn & grow, and ultimately bring others to know God's boundless love for us ALL.

The plan for a life change on this topic:
- Don't dissect the Bible

- Study independently, even if it's just a little whenever you have time

- Meet people where they are

- Don't say or do things that make others feel excluded from knowing God's love

- Love God, your neighbor & try to love yourself (God does & He knows all your faults just like you do)

- Add what you learn in these experiences to your personal testimony

- Share your testimony with others

My friends, I pray my brief words for consideration on this topic somehow opened your hearts & minds to new ideas and ways of approaching your own spirituality & the spirituality of others. Love in Him...to you, from me!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Eggs: My First Customer

I'm excited to announce that I now have a non-family member egg customer!!

Strangely, I bought two new layers because one of my layers died last week & one went broody (sitting on eggs in the nest), and then today, Ginger, the momma hen to my chicks hatched July 3rd is MISSING. So is my blue laced red Wyandotte who was creeping up on point of lay (just about to start laying). I almost feel like I'm fighting a losing battle, but I will somehow get a handle on it.

I think that I will order some pullets from the hatchery and sell what I don't need. I know of a couple of ladies who would like girls for layers as well, so I'll contact them and see if they want to split an order. Anybody else interested in getting in on the order-splitting? Let me know!!